Teaching Reading

When teaching reading it's important to consider two important processes: 

馃搶Bottom-up which consists on recognizing multiple linguistic signals (letters, morphemes, syllables, words, phrases, grammatical cues, among others), also called data-driven operation, requires a sophisticated knowledge of the language. 

馃搶Top-down or conceptually driven, processing in which readers draw their own intelligence and experience to understand a text.

The combination of both processes is known as Interactive Reading

All the knowledge, information, emotions, experiences and culture we own is called Schemata. Which is the result of all the graphic representations the readers have in mind.

Some common written texts are: 

         馃毄 ARTICLE
         馃毄 NOVELS
         馃毄 JOURNALS
         馃毄 TEXT MESSAGES
         馃毄 ESSAYS
         馃毄 JOB APPLICATION 
         馃毄 RECIPES

Characteristics                                                        Strategies

馃搨Permanence                         馃摏 Identify the purpose                                          馃摏 Analyze Vocabulary
馃搨Processing time                   馃摏 Use rules and patterns to decode the text          馃摏 Distinguish Meaning
馃搨Distance                               馃摏 Use silent reading techniques                                
馃搨Orthography                         馃摏 Skim the text for main ideas                      
馃搨Complexity                          馃摏 Scan the text for specific information
馃搨Vocabulary                           馃摏 Use mapping or Clustering
馃搨Formality                             馃摏 Guess words if you aren't certain


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