馃攳 TeachersCarolina Z煤niga, Sara Dominguez, Abigail Guevara, Tirsa Guevara, Jos茅 Ard贸n

馃攳 This class' objective was to provide to students fresh vocabuary related to occupations and trades, as well as to differenciate bertween the terms.

馃摏 As a warm up, the teachers started by asking the students if they were familiar with the vocabulary they had on the board or in their handout. To make a difference between trade and occupation, one of the teachers explained the concept, to check comprenhension, they did an exercise in which the students had to come to the board and classify the vocabulary in the two groups.

馃摏 Once the classification was made, the teachers explained each vocabulary word using clues and drawings so the students could participate and give their opinions. For the next activity, students had to get in pairs and solve some exercises on their handout.

馃摏 Finally, the students had to come up with a role play, to put into practice all they learned this day. They used props the teachers had, like helmets, boxes, and others. So the students could really get into their character.


馃攳 Teachers: Jos茅 Bonifacio, Sara Chevez, Ligia Hern谩ndez, Dania Cresp铆n, Karen G贸mez

馃攳 Objective:  The aim was students to identify the structure and the uses of modals.

馃搷 The class started when teachers asked the students about modals; their use, grammar, when we use them. Once they discussed and evacuated questions and doubts there was a listening activity. The teachers played a song, where the different modals were implicit in the lyrics.

馃搷 Once the modals were identified, some grammar structures were reinforced. The students also participated; they passed to the board to show wthat are the structures of affirmative and negative sentences when we use modals.

馃搷 Finally, the students had to work on some exercises in their handout. Once they finished, they played a game: a board race, to check the objective of the class was met.


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