馃攳 Objective:  to teach students how comparative and superlative adjectives work to use them properly.

馃攳 TeachersCarolina Z煤niga, Sara Dominguez, Abigail Guevara, Tirsa Guevara, Jos茅 Ard贸n

On this class, students had the chance to review a topic that is super important because these adjectives are part of our daily use.

馃搷The first part of the class focused on activate the knowledge the students had about comparatives and superlatives. One of the teachers did an activity that consisted in showing different pictures to the students so they could describe them by using the structures of comparatives and superlatives.

馃搷 In the second part some rules were given to the sudents; in case there were some doubts about the topic, this was the oportunity to solve them.

馃搷 Finally, the students were asked to work in pairs on some written and oral exercises to check their comprehension. 


馃攳 Objective:  At the end of the lesson, students will use phrases related to phone conversations in real situations.

馃攳 Teachers: Jos茅 Bonifacio, Sara Chevez, Ligia Hern谩ndez, Dania Cresp铆n, Karen G贸mez

On this class, students had the oportunity to increase their knowledge by learning new vocabulary related to phone conversations.

馃摓 The class started when the teachers played "Chinese whisper" as a warm up for the class. The game consists on the students whispering a phrase the teacher told them. The challenge is to pass the message without modifying it.

馃摓 The teachers introduced the vocabulary in different scenarious, so students had an idea on how important the words and phrases are. They also worked on some exercises such matching words to check comprenhension.

馃摓 Finally, the students gave comments and used the expressions they learned.


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