👖Topic: “The way we are || Habits” 👗

💌Teachers: Ligia Ester Hernández / Dania Lissette Crespín/ Karen Vanessa Gómez / José Luis Bonifacio / Sara Elizabeth Chévez 💌

📏In this lesson, teachers decided to start with a kinesthetic way by using some music and a basket. Students made two groups, after that they tossed a ball into a basket whenever a ball got into the basket SS took a paper with a habit in it, after that, they had to put the habit next to the corresponding image.

📆As a pre-listening activity Ts gave SS images and as T was reading SS had to identify if the image given corresponded to the description of the teacher. It was a really good way to activate students previous knowledge.

📺To continue with the listening activity, Ts played audio and SS had to prove their comprehension by  putting a conversation in order.

🔐To wrap up the class, t asked the students to stand up and passing a series of balloons with music in the background, when music stopped SS had to pop the balloon and answer the question inside.  



📍Teachers: Sarita Dominguez / Carolina Zúniga / Aby Guevara
José Ardon / Tirsa Guevara/ Sofia Videz📍

🔔This reading class started with a very good warm-up. It was about guessing songs. T played each song and SS had to say the name of the song. This activity made SS be active since the very first moment of the class.

📂The next activity was explained by T Sarita. The dynamic was the following: there were about 6 name of famous people written on the board, SS had to stand up and write some facts about each of them. I liked the fact that SS knew a lot of information about those artist and they were active participating.

💾As activity for the during stage, Ts gave SS a page with information with facts of the same artists in the previous exercise but in this time SS had to fill the spaces needed.
After that, SS had to write 2 or 3 lines about one of the artist and then pass in front and share the information with the class.

🕔Finally, Ts made some questions as a wrap-up to check of SS understood or remembered information given in the class.


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Teaching Reading