⛔Teachers' names: Dennisse Carranza - Nathalia Castillo  
Gema Rivera - Kathia Hernández - Maria Nochez⛔

🚇By the end of the lesson students will able to create dialogues using questions about bad and good experiences.🚇

⛳Teachers divided the class in two groups and students played a game called, twister. Teachers splitted the roulette and students needed to follow directions.

🏮After that, teachers asked students if they have had a good experience or a bad experiences and they had to mention in the class. Later students repeated some phrases 2 times. 🏮

🚩Then teachers gave some seconds to see some questions and images that were on the board then they had to link the questions with the corresponding images.🚩

🚘In the practice students had to read some questions on a piece of paper and they had to stand up and asked those question to the other teachers then, they shared them.🚘

🚀For the production teachers asked to make groups of three, students had 3 objects and they used to create a dialogue.🚀

Teacher ended the class by asking questions about what they remembered of the class.


🎩The purpose of the class is Ss learning about the structure and use of the Present Perfect.🎩

🏁The activities chosen were:

🐍Board Game: Snakes
Ss had to make two groups, each member was suppossed to write vocabulary on the board, following instructions given by the teacher.

🍸Grammar Itroduction: 
A list of verbs was presented to Ss, including past participle.
Teacher explained the structure of the Present Perfect (aff., neg., questions)
🍫Worksheet practice:
Ss had to work on an exercise, using the veerbs previously studied to practice Pre.Perf.

🍭Board race:
Ss had pieces of paper that completed a sentence. They had to read the papers and form a sentence. The first group that had it on the board, wins.

🐾Have you ever game:
Ss stood in front of the classroom to answer yes/no questions using "Have you ever..."


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