
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2017


LISTENING CLASS PLANS FOR THE FUTURE 馃挱 The objective of the lesson was to make sure students used the future tense to talk and write about their future plans.  馃挕 The class started when a teacher showed 10 objects, the students were suppossed to use their short term memmory. The teacher gave 2 mins to the students so they could write the list of the objects they remembered. 馃挕 To practice listening, students heard an audio about some people's plans for the future. To check comphehension, they had to report back to the class what an specific person from the audio said. 馃挕 Finally, the students went around the classroom asking others about their future plans. When everyone was done, they passed in front to present to the class.


PART I 馃攳 Teachers :  Carolina Z煤niga,  Sara Dominguez,  Abigail Guevara,  Tirsa Guevara,  Jos茅 Ard贸n 馃攳 This class' objective was to provide to students fresh vocabuary related to occupations and trades, as well as to differenciate bertween the terms. 馃摏 As a warm up, the teachers started by asking the students if they were familiar with the vocabulary they had on the board or in their handout. To make a difference between trade and occupation, one of the teachers explained the concept, to check comprenhension, they did an exercise in which the students had to come to the board and classify the vocabulary in the two groups. 馃摏 Once the classification was made, the teachers explained each vocabulary word using clues and drawings so the students could participate and give their opinions. For the next activity, students had to get in pairs and solve some exercises on their handout. 馃摏 Finally, the students had to come up with a role play, to pu


PART I 馃攳 Objective :  By the end of the lesson students will be able to identify specific information relating to during a phone class. 馃攳 Teachers : Michelle Marroquin, Jacqueline Contreras, Michell Hern谩ndez, Sandra Rodezno, Brendaly Fern谩ndez, Ricardo Videz. 馃搶 The class started with a game: charades. It was just for the students to relax and feel comfortable. The topic was "Movies". 馃搶 To practice the listening skill, the teachers played a conversation between two people that were talking on the phone. Prior, the students were given clue vocabulary to understand better the context of the conversation. Once the students were familiar with the conversation, they were asked to complete some exercises related to the conversation. 馃搶 Finally, they were given some time to prepare a short conversation, using the vocabulary and the phrases studied in class in order to check comprenhension. PART II 馃攳 Teachers :   Irm


PART I 馃攳 Objective :  to teach students how comparative and superlative adjectives work to use them properly. 馃攳 Teachers :  Carolina Z煤niga,  Sara Dominguez,  Abigail Guevara,  Tirsa Guevara,  Jos茅 Ard贸n On this class, students had the chance to review a topic that is super important because these adjectives are part of our daily use. 馃搷The first part of the class focused on activate the knowledge the students had about comparatives and superlatives. One of the teachers did an activity that consisted in showing different pictures to the students so they could describe them by using the structures of comparatives and superlatives. 馃搷 In the second part some rules were given to the sudents; in case there were some doubts about the topic, this was the oportunity to solve them. 馃搷 Finally, the students were asked to work in pairs on some written and oral exercises to check their comprehension.  PART II 馃攳  Objective :  At

Teaching Reading

When teaching reading it's important to consider two important processes:  馃搶 Bottom-up which consists on recognizing multiple linguistic signals (letters, morphemes, syllables, words, phrases, grammatical cues, among others), also called data-driven operation, requires a sophisticated knowledge of the language.  馃搶 Top-down or conceptually driven , processing in which readers draw their own intelligence and experience to understand a text. The combination of both processes is known as Interactive Reading .  All the knowledge, information, emotions, experiences and culture we own is called Schemata . Which is the result of all the graphic representations the readers have in mind. Some common written texts are:           馃毄 ARTICLE          馃毄 NOVELS          馃毄 JOURNALS          馃毄 TEXT MESSAGES          馃毄 ESSAYS          馃毄 JOB APPLICATION           馃毄 RECIPES Characteristics